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Frequently Asked Question

How many treatments do I need? How often should I be treated to see results?

A single body part treatment lasts 20–30 minutes. 48-72 hours must pass between each session for the body to eliminate the fat. Generally most clients start to see a difference in 3 treatments.

Often time you'll see results after first session. However, between 8 and 12 sessions are needed for optimum results. The exact number of treatments will vary due to factors such as age, weight, and the area being treated.

How long does the result of ultrasonic cavitation last?

You can achieve “volume reduction” of fatty tissues and “toning of the body.” This procedure uses cavitation technology (ultrasound) to attack fat deposits that have proven a daunting task to shed off despite the dieting and regular exercising. It just makes the fat cells release their contents, which means the cells are capable of storing fat again. The results are gradual over a number of weeks as your body clears the broken-down fatty tissues. It is not uncommon to achieve up to 10 cm. reduction by the end of the treatment course. The results can be long-lasting provided you follow a healthy diet and exercise program. However it is very easy to deposit fat again into the tissues if one overeats, consumes too much alcohol, or doesn’t exercise. Ultimately the result may vary depending on the individual’s tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medication, and changes in hormones.

What are Side Effects of ultrasonic Cavitation?​

Although Ultra Cavitation side effects are rarely heard of, but that doesn’t mean there are none. Side effects we found in reviews include:

  • Skin redness and irritation

  • Increased body temperature

  • Mild aches and pains

  • Increased thirst

  • Headache

What is the Ultrasonic Cavitation After Care?

The most important part of this process is to follow the ultrasonic cavitation aftercare instructions to achieve the desired results.

To begin with, it is always emphasized on hydration. You need to drink plenty of fluid preferably water before and after treatment and days afterwards.

Other important aftercare considerations include:

  • Again, Increase water intake.

  • Choose healthier, nutrient-rich foods.

  • Add daily exercise to tighten skin and lose any extra weight.

  • Avoid fatty foods.

  • Avoid alcohol.

Is Ultrasonic Cavitation a safe treatment?​

It is a nonsurgical procedure without anesthesia, it is non-invasive (no cutting, leaves no scars or need post-operative course) and it allows for a full social life both before and after the sessions. This procedure is totally safe.

Is it possible to lose weight with Ultrasonic Cavitation?

Ultrasonic cavitation is NOT a method to lose weight but rather to shape the body. IT IS NOT FOR HIGHLY OBESE INDIVIDUALS. The treatment is used to reduce stubborn fatty pockets that just won’t go away with diet and exercise

Frequently Asked Question: About The Spa
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